4 Fatal Mistakes You Might Be Doing On Social Media!

by 5:59 AM 0 comments

4 Fatal Mistakes You Might Be Doing On Social Media!

Social Media Fatal Mistakes

You might be doing your best on your business social media channels, you might be giving too much efforts on your business social media channels, but have you ever thought that you might be doing the following 4 Fatal Mistakes on your business social media channel? Let's see!

1 - Focusing On The Quantity Of Followers And Not The Quality!
- You might be using several ways "white or black hat!" to get more likes and more followers to your social media channels, but you have to know that what matters is the quality and not the quantity of your followers! 100 followers with 60% - 80% interaction is certainly better than 100000 followers with 1% - 5% interaction! So try to be so specific when you choose whom you are targeting!

2 - Focusing On Too Many Social Media Channels!
- Many think that your presence on social media should be on "all" social media channels...Which is totally wrong!! Focusing on too many social media channels may cause waste of time and efforts as you have to determine your audience and then to determine the social media channels they use in order to just focus on these channels. For example, if you are targeting photo users in Italy, you have to know that Italians prefer Instagram and not Pinterest or Flickr!

3 - Broadcasting The Same Message Across All Channels!
- You shared a wonderful piece of content on Facebook and it was a really engaging post, so you automatically decide to share the same piece "as it is" on all your social media channels...You are making a big mistake! You have to know that every social media channel has its own nature and its own content type; On Facebook, users would a prefer a story to emotionally engage with it, while on Twitter, users would prefer quick, short and concise tweets!

4 - Sharing Good Content With No Call To Action!
- It's the biggest mistake you can ever do! Let's consider it all as a deal, a clear call to action is the closing phase during which you are telling your followers to take the action you always desired when you decided to share that piece of content on your social media channels!

I hope that the article showed you some important points that might affect badly on your business so you have to take care of them!

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